Privacy Policy

This portal, owned by Ferlara Textil SL, does not collect personal data from clients or users who access the portal, without their prior knowledge, nor are they transferred to third parties.
Nor are automated means used to collect information from users such as cookies or IP addresses.
The Tartaleta portal may contain links to other third-party web portals, whose privacy policies are foreign to Ferlara Textil SL. By accessing such websites you can decide whether to accept their privacy and cookie policies.


We inform you that the data you provide on this website by filling out the “contact form” (or form or email form) will be treated in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 2016/679, of December 5, on the protection of personal data, and Royal Decree 2016/679, of April 27, Regulations for the development of the Organic Law).
The “contact form” available on the website allows users of the website to contact the owner of the website by sending an email using the contact form.
This information corresponds to the personal data sent by the user when filling out the contact form.
We inform you that the data you voluntarily provide using the form will be sent in an email that may be stored in the email system of the owner of the website.
The data will not be saved or stored on other media or devices; nor will other data from your browsing on the website be stored.

The purposes of processing your personal data are as follows:
The data you provide us may be used to contact you in order to respond to any requests you may send us through the online form.

a. The personal data processed will be exclusively the common data strictly necessary and relevant for the purposes mentioned in point 1 above.
b. The processing of the personal data provided by you is carried out through the operations or set of operations indicated in article 3.c of Organic Law 15/1999. The processing is carried out directly by the organization of the owner of the website.

Remember that you are not obliged to provide the owner of the website with your personal data through the contact form.
The communication of your data through the contact form is optional.
However, failure to provide the data for the purposes set out in art. 1 will result in the impossibility of contacting the owner of the website through the contact form.

The personal data collected through the contact form will be sent by email to the owner of this website, who is the data processor.

Please note that you may at any time exercise the rights granted to you by the applicable regulations, and in particular the rights recognised in articles 13 and following of Organic Law 15/1999, which we reproduce below, by contacting the owner of the website through the contact form.

Article 13. Challenging assessments.
1. Citizens have the right not to be subject to a decision with legal effects on them or that significantly affects them, which is based solely on the processing of data intended to assess certain aspects of their personality. 2. The affected party may challenge administrative acts or private decisions that imply an assessment of his or her behaviour, the sole basis of which is the processing of personal data that provides a definition of his or her characteristics or personality.
3. In this case, the affected party shall have the right to obtain information from the person responsible for the file on the assessment criteria and the programme used in the processing that served to adopt the decision that constituted the act.
4. The assessment of the behaviour of citizens, based on data processing, may only have probative value at the request of the affected party.

Article 14. Right to consult the General Data Protection Register.
Any person may find out, by obtaining the appropriate information from the General Data Protection Register, the existence of personal data processing, its purposes and the identity of the person responsible for the processing. The General Register shall be open to consultation.

Article 15. Right of access.
1. The interested party shall have the right to request and obtain free information about his or her personal data being processed, the origin of said data, as well as the communications made or planned to be made of said data.
2. The information may be obtained by simply consulting the data by means of viewing it, or by indicating the data being processed in writing, copy, fax or photocopy, certified or not, in a legible and intelligible form, without using keys or codes that require the use of specific mechanical devices.
3. The right of access referred to in this article may only be exercised at intervals of no less than twelve months, unless the interested party proves a legitimate interest in this regard, in which case they may exercise it earlier.

Article 16. Right to rectification and cancellation.
1. The data controller shall have the obligation to make the interested party’s right to rectification or cancellation effective within ten days.
2. Personal data whose processing does not comply with the provisions of this Law shall be rectified or cancelled, where appropriate, and in particular, when such data are found to be inaccurate or incomplete.
3. Cancellation shall result in the blocking of the data, which shall be kept only at the disposal of public administrations, judges and courts, to address any potential liabilities arising from the processing, during the limitation period for these. Once this period has elapsed, the data shall be deleted.
4. If the rectified or cancelled data have been previously communicated, the data controller shall notify the data controller of the rectification or cancellation carried out, in the event that the processing is maintained by the latter, who shall also proceed with the cancellation.
5. Personal data shall be kept for the periods provided for in the applicable provisions or, where appropriate, in the contractual relations between the person or entity responsible for the processing and the interested party.

Article 17. Procedure for opposition, access, rectification or cancellation.
1. The procedures for exercising the right to object, access, rectification and cancellation shall be established by regulation.
2. No compensation shall be required for the exercise of the rights of objection, access, rectification or cancellation.

Article 18. Protection of rights.
1. Actions contrary to the provisions of this Law may be the subject of a claim by the interested parties to the Spanish Data Protection Agency, in the manner determined by regulation.
2. The interested party who is denied, in whole or in part, the exercise of the rights of objection, access, rectification or cancellation may notify the Spanish Data Protection Agency or, where appropriate, the competent body of each Autonomous Community, which must ensure the admissibility or inadmissibility of the denial.
3. The maximum period within which the express resolution of protection of rights must be issued shall be six months.
4. The resolutions of the Spanish Data Protection Agency may be appealed through administrative litigation.

Article 19. Right to compensation.
1. Interested parties who, as a result of non-compliance with the provisions of this Law by the controller or processor, suffer damage or injury to their property or rights shall be entitled to compensation.
2. In the case of files of public ownership, liability shall be enforced in accordance with the legislation regulating the liability regime of public administrations.
3. In the case of files of private ownership, the action shall be exercised before the bodies of ordinary jurisdiction.
The processing shall have a duration not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which the data have been collected.